Girard Industries
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Inquiries & Request For Quotation Form

Please complete the form below as thoroughly as possible and a Girard representative will contact you within two (2) business days of your submission.

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A user-friendly questionnaire regarding your specific application. For a printable version of this form, download the PDF.

* indicates required fields

Preferred method of contact? Phone Email

The information requested below is OPTIONAL. Please consider that the more information you supply, the better our ability to assist you. Please supply all information that applies.

Pipe Dimensions

inches mm
inches mm
inches mm
inches mm
inches mm
feet miles meters km

Type of Pipe

Carbon Steel HDPE PVC Ductile Iron Cast Iron Other

Pipe Bends
Check all that apply:

1.5D 3D 5D or greater Miter Unknown Other

Branched Fittings

Wyes / Tees?

Yes No


Wyes Tees Other

Are Tees Barred?

Yes No

Can branched fittings be isolated?

Yes No


Are there Valves?

Yes No

Type of valve: (check all that apply)

Gate Ball Check Valve Other

Pigging History

Previously pigged?

Yes No

Type of Pigging

Construction Maintenance Operational On-Line

Media used to pig: (check all that apply)

Product Air Nitrogen Water Natural Gas Other

Frequency of pigging:

Daily Weekly Monthly Less than monthly

Most recent pigging:

Types of pig used: (check all that apply)

Steel mandrel with cups Steel mandrel with discs Steel mandrel with brushes
Polly-Pigs / foam pigs Solid urethane pigs Sphere

Launchers installed?

Yes No

Receivers installed?

Yes No


Flow Units

gpm, bbl/hr, m3/hr


Pressure Units

psi, kPa


Temperature Units

ºF, ºC

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