Unmatched Performance with Proven Results
Manufacturing superior pipeline cleaning
solutions since 1968
call 800.231.2861 for our latest pigs
Pictured below is Girard Industries own Foam Polly-Pigs, Steel Mandrel Pigs, Polyurethane Spheres, Solid-Cast Turbo Pigs and Replacement Urethane Cups & Discs
all manufactured by Girard at their plant in Houston, Texas. Girard also offers other pipeline cleaning products including Pig Tracking Systems,
the Hi-T Pigalert pig detector and Neoprene and Nitrile Cups & Spheres.
Current Product Line
Mandrel Pigs
The Girard Mandrel Pig consists of a solid steel body with polyurethane or rubber cup and disc wear parts as well as optional accessories for specific applications.
Our Polly-Pigs are constructed of open cell polyurethane foam of various densities and they are available with various types of external coatings.
Girard Turbo Pigs are solid-cast polyurethane pigs available in up to three durometers with multiple configurations of cups & discs for varying applications.
Our Pig Valve Pigs are specifically designed for use in pig launching and receiving valves. These pigs are available in multiple configurations.
Girard Solid & Inflatable Polyurethane Spheres are manufactured in a range of durometers for pipeline and meter prover applications.
Our Cups & Discs are made of the highest quality polyurethane for maximum abrasion resistance, elongation, sheer strength and chemical resistance.
❱PRODUCT INFOPig Detectors
The Hi-T Pigalert also known as 'Pig Signaller', 'Pig Detector' & 'Pig Passage Indicator' is a bi-directional intrusive device attached to the pipeline.
Pig Tracking is a method of verifying either its location or movement through the line which reduces the search area in the event a pig becomes lost or stuck.